NoteGPT Quota Usage Policies

Thank you for choosing NoteGPT. To ensure you fully understand our subscription policies, please carefully read the following terms.

1. What is Quota?

In NoteGPT, Quota is a credit system that allows you to access our premium features. By purchasing Quota, you can utilize a variety of powerful AI tools and enjoy an enhanced product experience. The Quota system accounts not only for feature usage but also for the computational costs associated with AI processing. Different features consume varying amounts of Quota.

2. Why is Quota-Based Charging Necessary?

  1. Resource Consumption: Our AI models require significant computational resources to operate. These resources include not only the processing of your requests but also storage, data transmission, and model execution. The Quota system helps balance user demand with the resources consumed.
  2. Feature Diversity: NoteGPT offers a range of features, such as AI summarization, generation, transcription, and translation. Each feature consumes a different amount of Quota, reflecting the computational power and technical complexity required. For instance, video transcription generally requires more processing power, while simple text summarization may use less.
  3. Flexibility and Control: With Quota, you have the freedom to choose which features to use based on your needs. This means you only pay for the services you actually use, without having to commit to a fixed fee. This system allows you to manage your expenses flexibly according to your usage patterns.
  4. Ongoing Improvement: The revenue generated through Quota usage is reinvested in continually improving our product, including optimizing AI models, adding new features, and enhancing the overall user experience. This ensures that you always benefit from the latest technological advancements.

3. How is Quota Usage Calculated?

The computational resources required for different features vary, so the amount of Quota consumed also differs. Some features may not require Quota based on our product strategy. Below is a detailed breakdown of our Quota usage policy.

Features Quota Usage
AI Summary YouTube Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
PDF Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Book Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Podcast Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Audio Summary 1 Quota / minute
Article Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
PPT Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Word Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Image Summary 3 Quotas / image
Text Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
AI Chat Chat with:YouTube、PDF、Book、Podcast
1 Quota / chat
AI Generator Generate Mind Map 1 Quota / Mind Map
Generate Paragraph free
Generate Idea free
Generate Notes free
Generate Flashcard free
Generate Quiz free
Generate Sketchnotes free
Generate Diagram free
Generate Flowchart free
Generate PPT / Presentation / Slide 1 Quota / page
AI Transcriber / Converter YouTube Transcript Original view transcript: free
Chapter view transcript: 1 Quota / 10,000 words
PDF to Markdown free
AI Translator Translation for YouTube Transcript 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Translation for Summary 1 Quota / 10,000 words
Translation for Mindmap 1 Quota / 10,000 words
AI Homework Helper
AI Math Solver
AI Homework Helper
AI Math Solver
1 Quota / question

4. How to Purchase Quota?

You can purchase Quota by selecting one of the available pricing plans. We recommend reviewing the Subscription Policies before making a purchase. Annual subscriptions offer a 30% discount compared to monthly plans when broken down per month, and they do not auto-renew for the following year.

5. Can Unused Quota be Refunded?

Please refer to the Subscription Policies for details.